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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Drivers

Our 3Cs ensure our curriculum offer is bespoke by shaping its personality.

(See document below for more information)

  • They reflect the unique cultural needs of our children.

  • They consider local climate.

  • They are underpinned by our core school values.

The National Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage

Our youngest children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. There are seven areas of the curriculum - Communication and Language, Literacy, Maths, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Expressive Art and Design and Understanding the World. 

The National Curriculum for Key Stage One and Two 

In Years One - Six, the children are taught the National Curriculum and will study English, Maths, Science, Computing, Religious Education, History, Geography, Design Technology, Art, Music and Physical Education.  In Years 3 - 6, our children learn French. The framework of the National Curriculum is used when planning our schemes of work for the children. 

Please check the tabs to the left for information for each subject.