Phonics Screening
Phonics Screening Check
In Year one, your child will complete a Government Led, phonics screening check, this is normally held in June. The purpose of the check is to confirm whether individual children have learnt decoding and blending skills to meet an age-appropriate standard. The phonics screening includes 40 words and your child will work one-to-one with the teacher, reading words out aloud. There will be a combination of real words and nonsense words.
There is not a set time limit to complete the screening in, but it usually takes around 10 minutes. If your child's teacher thinks it would be appropriate, your child can have a break or stop if they are struggling. If your child does not meet the pass mark they will have to retake the screening test in Year 2. (You will be informed on their end of year school report on this.)
By the end of Year 1, it is expected that children are able to recognise the grapheme-phoneme correspondences, segment and blend them confidently in words. For the past few years the expected pass mark has been 32 out of 40.
Parent Video: The Phonics Screening Check